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1. What happens if my computer crashes or I lose my downloaded explanations?

No problem! For no additional fee, we will also keep your explanations for you in our backup system for 3 months (90 days). In the event that you need us to resend an explanation, just mention:

Your Name

The Email That You Used For Your Submission

Your Six Digit Transaction Number

Upon receipt of the information above, we will gladly re-activate the link to your explanation.

2. How Does The Problem Submission Process Work?

The student submits their problem on our Problem Submission Page. If we accept your offer, we will invoice you accordingly. If we do not accept your offer, we will respond back with a counteroffer. It will be the student's decision to either accept or deny the counteroffer. In many cases, initial offers are accepted.

We have outlined the problem submission process on the following web page:

We have outlined the problem submission process on the following web page:


3. What Math Subjects Do You Provide Explanations For?

We provide explanations for the following math subjects:

Basic Math




4. Do I need to register to submit a problem?

NO. Email Tutors dot com does not require a site registration in order to submit your problems. In fact, if you look at our site map, you will see that there is no place for you to register.

5. What Is the Time Frame For Completion of a Problem?

Most math problems are completed within 12 hours of receipt of payment. In many cases, the problems are completed much sooner.

6. Are My Payments Safe?

Yes! Your payments are completely safe. We use and are verified by PayPal, the world’s number one processor of online payments. Please note that you do not have to have a PayPal account to pay us through PayPal. All you need is a debit or credit card. PayPal also accepts alternative forms of payment such as e-check, bank transfer, etc. For more information, please visit:

7. Can I post my problems up online on my own website?

As stated in the Email Tutors dot com terms of use, customers / clients may not post problem explanations on any online mediums (including blogs and/or forums) without obtaining the express written consent of Email Tutors dot com. To obtain our permission, please contact us. Unless permission is obtained, explanations provided are strictly for individual / private use.


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